Students <3

I love the students at all three of my schools for different reasons.

Omagari JHS

The students at Omagari JHS continue to impress me. They have an impeccable work ethic, respect, and talent. All of them to some kind of club activity, which is after school. They have a few hours of practice everyday. I asked one girl how often she practiced for band and she said 4 hours a day. So they probably don’t get back home until 8 and they still have work to do. I just saw their chorus competition, which every class participated in (they had to), but the impressive part was that each class had a student conductor and pianist. I asked another girl how long they practiced and she said they practiced at 7:30 every morning (not quite sure when they started practicing). Everything they do is orderly and when someone says quiet, it doesn’t take long for them to do as told. They have respect for teachers because they will do their work, but they can also joke and converse with the teachers as well. Every now and then students will be a bit noisy in the classroom and talk while the teacher is talking, but it never gets out of hand. They also clean everyday, which I’m sure they don’t love, but they’ll do it.

I already have 2 favorite classes, which I know I shouldn’t, but they are the ones where students are more talkative and don’t avoid eye contact. They actually want to talk to me, rather than say “hello” and quickly scurry past.. I can have more conversations and it’s more fun. They are third years though, so they know more English, but it also means they will be graduating in March, which makes me a little sad. I try to learn names because they all know mine, but it’s very hard. There are so many students (~700) and I don’t see them regularly. One girl told me I forgot her name 4 times, of course they would keep track. I write their names down in a notebook, which helps me remember. There were a group of girls who would quiz me on their names, so I finally got them down. I will often see students as I’m leaving school or aorund town adn they’ll say “Oh, Misa sensei.” In which I smile and say hello and try to make small talk. I try to make a facial expression and act in a way that shows familiarity because most of the time I have no idea who they are. An art that I will need throughout life as demonstrated by my father.

Students are generally well behaved, sometimes distracted or loud, but they are never out of contorl. In general, the boys tend to be the class clowns, which makes class amusing. They like to play pranks, which I often see and just laugh. Some are interested in English, some are good because they study hard, but lack interest. Others strugle, which I understand because English is weird and makes no sense, which leads to zero interest in English and will just stare. I know these are teh people that I must consider when I do activities or help in class.

Hanadate Elementary School

These students are adorable and I hope to see them at Omagari JHS next year. I have to know more Japanese to communicate with them, but it’s fun adn I can practice my Japanese. I can already see the students who learn English quickly, which is exciting. I enjoy working with the teachers here. The 6th year teacher knows how to keep class fun, but also has control and can switch tones easily. I’m still trying to figure out how to build relationships because I attend Hanadate less frequently. I went to recess once, but just walked around and said hi. Tag is very big here. The last time, I did a puzzle with 4th years in the Principal’s office, which was fun. I love how the Princial’s office can turn into a hang out space for students.

The fifth years have so much energy and enthusiasm for English. It was refreshing and fun. Before I got to the second class, they were already in the halls and wanted to greet me. During the activities, students actually wanted to be my partner, instead of shying away or looking nervous if I chose them. After, they asked for my signature, which was unexpected, but fun.


Yotsuya Elementary School

Another group of adorable students. I did a good self-introduction lesson, which I hope was effective in getting them excited. Students were willing to talk with me in the hall, which was nice. I partially understood what they said adn pretended for the rest. The teachers are very kind and I hope to go to recess next time. I usually eat lunch at Omagari JHS, but I want to sit with the students at lunch for a bit before heading back to the JHS for lunch.


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